Interview that records an individual's personal recollections of the past and historical events; the audio or video recordings, transcripts, and other materials that capture and are associated with such an interview.
The Volunteers Project is compiling an oralhistory of the Irish contribution.
I started interviewing people, charting what this oralhistory would look like.
Here's an oralhistory of the first flick starring all the usual characters.
And the Alnôbak prefer an oralhistory to a written one.
Sacrosanct to oralhistory, Nolyar slaughtered a cow for this occasion.
(Almost though: "Frank went, I think, nine days without having to go to the bathroom," says Lovell in his NASA oralhistorytranscript.
Ús de oral history interview en anglès
Jim Young conducted the oralhistoryinterviews that formed the basis of much of the book.
The two men organised and conducted the oralhistoryinterviews of former IRA members that are being sought from the college by US prosecutors.
This book drew together research from both primary and secondary sources, including oralhistoryinterviews carried out of past and present residents and local personalities.